Gun Restoration

“Preserve, Revere, Inspire.”: A New Year’s Greeting

“Preserve, Revere, Inspire.”: A New Year’s Greeting

Glass half-empty, or half-full? The past few years have presented an opportunity to take stock of what’s most important. To stand proudly for who we are, and why we are. With that in mind, let me re-introduce you to three of our guiding principles and why they’ll continue to drive our work in the coming year.

It’s For the Memories – An Ithaca Flues 20 Gauge Double Story

It’s For the Memories – An Ithaca Flues 20 Gauge Double Story

It's a theme that comes up time and time again when helping our customers understand the ins and outs of restoring their gun (or not, as the case may be): It's for the memories. One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is helping keep these memories...

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Introduction to Metal Preparation (7 of 7) outlines the steps needed to do a quality metal preparation job on your own gun. Not just the actual steps in polishing, but the first steps you need to know in order to do a quality job. The video also shows the various finishes used by the manufacturers on their original parts, giving you a complete set of guidelines to follow so you can do a professional job yourself and save money. Most importantly, it will give you the satisfaction of doing a quality job, yourself.

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Packaging

Introduction to Metal Preparation (6 of 7) outlines the steps needed to do a quality metal preparation job on your own gun. Not just the actual steps in polishing, but the first steps you need to know in order to do a quality job. The video also shows the various finishes used by the manufacturers on their original parts, giving you a complete set of guidelines to follow so you can do a professional job yourself and save money. Most importantly, it will give you the satisfaction of doing a quality job, yourself.

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Polishing

Introduction to Metal Preparation (5 of 7) outlines the steps needed to do a quality metal preparation job on your own gun. Not just the actual steps in polishing, but the first steps you need to know in order to do a quality job. The video also shows the various finishes used by the manufacturers on their original parts, giving you a complete set of guidelines to follow so you can do a professional job yourself and save money. Most importantly, it will give you the satisfaction of doing a quality job, yourself.

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Disassembly

Introduction to Metal Preparation (4 of 7) outlines the steps needed to do a quality metal preparation job on your own gun. Not just the actual steps in polishing, but the first steps you need to know in order to do a quality job. The video also shows the various finishes used by the manufacturers on their original parts, giving you a complete set of guidelines to follow so you can do a professional job yourself and save money. Most importantly, it will give you the satisfaction of doing a quality job, yourself.

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Screws

Introduction to Metal Preparation (3 of 7) outlines the steps needed to do a quality metal preparation job on your own gun. Not just the actual steps in polishing, but the first steps you need to know in order to do a quality job. The video also shows the various finishes used by the manufacturers on their original parts, giving you a complete set of guidelines to follow so you can do a professional job yourself and save money. Most importantly, it will give you the satisfaction of doing a quality job, yourself.

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Final Thoughts & Credits

Video: Introduction to Metal Preparation – Tools & Tips

Introduction to Metal Preparation (2 of 7) outlines the steps needed to do a quality metal preparation job on your own gun. Not just the actual steps in polishing, but the first steps you need to know in order to do a quality job. The video also shows the various finishes used by the manufacturers on their original parts, giving you a complete set of guidelines to follow so you can do a professional job yourself and save money. Most importantly, it will give you the satisfaction of doing a quality job, yourself.